Let’s tap into the strength of your breath so you can be your truest self.

somatic breathworker

For me, the journey to self-love wasn’t heartwarming.

breathwork classes

It was heartbreaking, actually.

Hey! I’m Danielle Grace but most people know me as Dani.

I've always had a passion for helping people. I got my start in the world of entrepreneurship back in 2007 in the health & wellness industry.

Let’s fast forward to 2013, when I was married and at the height of my career. I was a co-partner of a successful wellness business with my, at the time, husband, leading a large team, and speaking on stages around the world. But when an out-of-the-blue divorce turned my world upside down, my life completely fell apart.

Feeling lost in so many areas of my life, I came face-to-face with aspects of myself I hated and feared, the shadows. Sh*t got dark. I was in the deepest depths of depression, I didn't care if I lived or died. Simple tasks like getting out of bed to feed my dogs or brush my teeth were hard to do. (Let alone trying to run a business.)

At the lowest point of my life, I came face to face with a new me that wanted to emerge. I slowly found the strength to release the aspects of myself that no longer served me, and to love and accept the light and shadows of myself. Through a strong inner group of friends, going deep into the belly of the beast in therapy and the discovery of Somatic breathwork, I was able to create a new relationship. One with myself that offered a love, grace, and strength I had never felt before.

Out of these ashes, My Strength Tank was born. It is my biggest belief that I can only meet the people in my life at the depths of which I have met myself. And with that belief, my mission is simple: To help people meet themselves at the depths to which they are willing and ready to go. Helping them release what is holding them back and showing them the strength that lies within themselves by using the power of connection and breathwork.

breathwork facilitator
mind body breathwork
breathwork for emotional wellness


So why My Strength Tank? We recognized five main areas of life that either charge or deplete us. These five areas are our Life Tanks. When we use our breath to find our strength and fuel these Tanks, we can create a more fulfilling life. Here’s how.

Creating a stable income through fulfilling careers and a healthy relationship with money.

Finding ways to bring more joy and celebration into our life, even when we’re doing the nitty-gritty inner work.

breathwork for mental health
breathwork for health



Taking time for self-discovery, personal development, and improving our mental health.

Focusing on nutrition and movement so we feel good in our bodies.

breathwork for relationships


Learning how to set boundaries while nurturing and deepening our connections.

breathwork for fun
breathwork for finances



Ready to go within and discover your strength?

breath awareness practices