Breathwork sessions that get you out of your head and into your body.

holistic breathing
stress relief

I get you

You’re a big-dreamin’, down-to-earth kind of person. People would say you’re thriving. But on the inside, you feel stuck, stressed, and unsure about who you are and what you’re meant to do.

Somatic breathwork is a powerful healing technique that focuses on rhythmic breathing patterns that help us safely release these thoughts and emotions. When we experience situations that cause trauma or discomfort, our bodies (aka somas) store this energy. This can look like fatigue, anxiety, and even depression.

Whether you work with me 1:1 or in a group setting, we’ll clear out any limiting beliefs and emotional blockages with your breath so you can tap into your inner strength and set your truest self free.

anxiety relief
conscious breathwork
breathwork for stress relief

Private somatic breathwork session

What’s included:

  • 1 private session via Zoom or in-person.

  • 45-minute post-session integration call, if needed, for added support.

  • Paid in full at time of scheduling.

This is for you if:

  • You are seeking clarity. 

  • Desire freedom from stuck emotions in the body. 

  • Want to harness more feelings of gratitude, love, and peace in your day-to-day life. 

  • You want sessions that move at your own pace and rhythm.

somatic breathwork questions

1-month somatic breathwork experience

What’s included:

  • 4 private sessions via Zoom or in-person (one session per week).

  • 45-minute post-session integration call, if needed, for added support.

  • Paid in full at time of scheduling.

  • Bundle discount (4 sessions for the price of 3.5).

This is for you if:

  • You are seeking clarity. 

  • Desire freedom from stuck emotions in the body. 

  • Want to harness more feelings of gratitude, love, and peace in your day-to-day life. 

  • You want sessions that move at your own pace and rhythm.

private breathwork session


What’s included:

  • 12 private sessions via Zoom or in-person (one session per week).

  • My Strength Tank Coaching: 5 Pillars to Wholeness

  • 45-minute post-session integration call, if needed, for added support.

  • Paid in full at time of scheduling.

Topics we’ll cover:

  • Health: focusing on nutrition and movement.

  • Mind: improving our mental health.

  • Relationships: setting boundaries and deepening connections.

  • Finances: creating a healthy relationship with money.

  • Fun: finding ways to bring joy into your life.

danielle grace breathwork

My Strength Tank somatic breathwork Immersion

What’s included:

  • 3 full days of Somatic breathwork sessions and My Strength Tank Coaching: 5 Pillars to Wholeness. This is a complete immersion of breathwork, embodiment, and coaching.

  • Requires you to travel to Colorado Springs for a retreat experience in my neck of the woods.

  • Paid in full at time of scheduling.

Topics we’ll cover:

  • Health: focusing on nutrition and movement.

  • Mind: improving our mental health.

  • Relationships: setting boundaries and deepening connections.

  • Finances: creating a healthy relationship with money.

  • Fun: finding ways to bring joy into your life.

breathwork retreat


Check out my upcoming group workshops where you can heal in community among amazing people like you. 

mindful breathing techniques
what is somatic breathwork

What to expect during a breathwork session.

Breathwork sessions generally last between 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on your needs.

Here’s a quick preview:

  • Depending on your comfort levels, you’ll choose the session that feels right for you. Whether you work 1:1 or in a group, sessions can be held online or in-person. In-person sessions have the option of physical touch cues (but only if you’re comfortable).

  • I’ll walk you through an introduction and give you the opportunity to ask questions. When you’re ready, we’ll set an intention and get into a comfortable position. 

  • Once the breathwork session begins, you’ll experience an array of rhythmic breathing patterns that puts your body in different states of being. I’ll play music and offer verbal cues to help alleviate and deepen the experience of your release. 

  • Releases are expressed in many forms. You may feel called to move, cry, shout, laugh, or shake. This is where the magic happens. 

  • Sessions end with bringing peace and relaxation to the body. We’ll seek clarity around our set intentions and have an opportunity to integrate with a discussion and journal prompts. 

  • Plan to clear out your schedule on the day of your session. This ensures you have enough space and time to recover and process.


I’m Dani, your go-to guide and support throughout your session.

breath awareness practices